Saturday, 19 April 2008

Because everything has to have a beginning, right?

With Hijrah looming large I thought it was time I started getting my act together and started to focus on .... better and bigger things insha'allah, and my other blog home doesn't seem to be the right place to put my heavier thoughts ... I don't actually know if this will work out or even if I'll keep it up, but here goes anyway insha'allah.


Rainbow In The Grey Sky said...

Aslamu alakum ST
I a so happy you decided to blog here inner thoughts and feelings as there are so many , we don't always want to share the inner me, bloging it in this way helps, you must link my blog here as its all about the inner me too. i look forward to the post here.

Adventurous Ammena said...

ooh.. so is this a hijrah blog then?? exciting :D

UmmAbdurRahman said...

Salamu alaikum I'm also married to an Algerian and I am interested in women making hijrah.

Will you be going as a family or travelling by yourself?

Would you mind doing a post about your reasons for hijrah? If you are going it alone(without husband) can you explain the reasoning behind this as well?

I think I came across too harsh on another blog, but I am really just interested.

salamu alaikum