Monday 18 August 2008

so where have I been at?

Well...If only the answer to that one were easy.....
this, of course was meant to be my Hijrah blog..but, for reasons even a lifetime wouldn't be enough to explain..we haven't made our hijrah yet and we have no really firm idea of when we will...and so it's been difficult to come back here with any regularity without wanting to gouge out my own eyes in frustration really. But, there is hikmah behind every situation that Allah puts us in, and the is a reason for every path we are led down, whether or not we can see it at the time. So I'm hanging in, and being patient, and living out of suitcases while wait for the opportunity to leave.

I realised after abandoning this blog that a sister had asked me for my reasons behind wanting to make hijrah, and although I'm a little late in answering I'd have to say first and foremost that it's for the sake of Allah ta'ala, and also it's an attempt to salvage my relationship with Him, because in living here, I feel myself slipping further and further away from being the kind of Muslimah that makes Allah happy.
I need new challanges to awaken me and breathe new life into my eeman...